"Home of the longest running Horse Trials in Aiken"
Volunteer at Sporting Days Farm!

We invite you to join the fun and excitement of Eventing! Everyone is welcome and you don’t need to be an eventer, or even a rider, to volunteer for any of our events throughout the year. Every organizer and competitor knows that, without the participation of our dedicated dressage stewards, jump judges, score runners and jump crews, our sport would not exist. We appreciate EVERY SINGLE PERSON who helps make Eventing a unique and special part of our Aiken Community. THANK YOU!
Volunteer Perks ​​
Every volunteer will receive coupons from our vendors & a
free cross country schooling (valued at $65)
Invitation to attend our Volunteer Appreciation Day during the off season!
Volunteer Job Descriptions
Scribe – secretary to the judge (requires experience)
Ring Steward – makes sure each rider enters their ring on time
Bit Checker – examines bits, spurs and whips to determine if they meet competition regulations-requires experience with horses
Warm Up Steward – supervises the warm up area and sends riders to their rings at the proper time
Ring Raker
Smooth out the footing in each ring (as needed)
Rake the corners of the dressage arenas where the drag can't reach​
Fence Judges – sit at each fence and record what happens as each horse jumps the fence
Starter – Counts down horses to their start time and records that time (experience required)
Finish – Records finish times (experience preferred)
Warm Up Steward – Supervises warm up area and sends riders to the start at the appropriate time
(requires experience with Eventing and maturity
5. Score Sheet Runner – Drives golf cart around cross country course, collecting score sheets from jump judges.
Must be aware of where horses are on the course (requires experience with Eventing and maturity)
Judge’s Scribe – writes down scores for the judge
Timer - Works with time clock/stop watch (experience required)
In Gate Steward - Keeps horses entering the ring in the correct order and on time
Warm Up Steward - Supervises warm up area and sends horses to the ring as directed by the in gate steward
Jump Crew – Puts up fallen rails and fences
Hospitality - bring water, snacks, and meals to volunteers, staff and officials throughout the day
Awards & Prizes - help organize and hand out the awards and prizes
​**Other jobs are available once all the necessary slots above are filled.